
Community Members

Your Voice Matters! Community members include patients, clients, families, caregivers and citizens. ​The voices of community members provide a crucial contribution to the success of the Frontenac, Lennox & Addington Ontario Health Team (FLA OHT).

Interested in volunteering?

Two types of community member volunteers

Associate Community Members:

volunteer with the FLA OHT on an as-need basis for engagement, sharing their lived experience, interests, skills and abilities. These members:

  • Have no commitment to attend monthly meetings.
  • Contribute experience and knowledge through other opportunities. 
  • Participate through surveys/focus groups and other opportunities 
  • Are invited to Partnership Council's Town Hall meetings

Community Council Members:

volunteer with the FLA OHT group for a two-year term, attending monthly meetings, and sharing their lived experience, interests, skills, and abilities. These members play:

  • An advisory role to FLA OHT leadership - keeping the patient experience at the forefront of discussions and organizational expectations.
  • A role engaging in early planning and co-design of our OHT work, with an equal voice at the table.
Queen's health sciences talk series

Engaging communities

Dr. Eva Purkey gave a game-changing talk about her research into the experiences and needs of people from marginalized communities. She discussed her vision for how universities can partner with communities to improve peoples’ lives and well-being. 

Watch the video to see how her vital work uncovers a path to community transformation.