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Integrated Mental Health and Addictions Network

Trying to access to mental health and addictions services can be frustrating and overwhelming for patients, families and providers. The current system is siloed and not efficient.

The Integrated Mental Health and Addictions Network is working together to improve this situation and to offer the best care possible.

Current Challenges

  • Needs for mental health and addictions services in our region are high.
  • Access to mental health and addictions services is hard for individuals and their families to navigate.
  • Providers need to work together more to be effective and efficient.

What we are working towards

Having a connected system of care for mental health and addictions: 

  • People of all ages from across the FLA region who are in need will have equitable access to mental health and/or addictions services.
  • Supports will be provided and care will be seamlessly integrated with other care providers.
  • It will be a holistic health care approach.
  • Providers will work together on effective and lasting ways to support and serve those in need.

Mental Health & Addictions Projects

Engaging Community

The Lived Experience Advisory Council helps to shape the way mental health & addictions care is accessed and delivered.

The council is seeking members from the FLA region who:

  • Have experience with the Mental Health and Addictions system, such as a client, a family member or a peer support group.
  • Can effectively represent and work collaboratively with stakeholders.
  • Attend monthly meetings and commit 2-6h/month
  • Can respect privacy and confidentiality requirements


This service can help individuals find the support they need for issues related to:

  • mental health
  • substance use health and
  • addictions 

It is a single portal for people 16 years of age or older to search for resources by region or be connected with staff to help them find the services they need. There are also many resources for healthcare professionals.

Developed by Regional Coordinated Access, a group of mental health care partners in eastern Ontario. Learn more on the AccessMHA website.

Shared Care Discussions

These meeting were developed for primary care providers and mental health & addictions service to review an individual's needs and identify appropriate supports in an action plan. Shared Care Discussions are now underway and will continue to be implemented across the region. In addition:

  • Community members with lived experience of mental health and addiction problems were involved in the co-design of this supportive structure.​
  • A Facilitators Guide to Shared Care Discussions was developed to support these meetings.​
  • Methods to standardize and evaluate the discussions are in place, including establishing indicators of success and sustainability plans.

Who's involved?

Community members, health-care providers, social service agencies, mental health and addiction organizations, academics and specialists from across the region worked together on those issues.

Community members refers to people with lived experience of mental health and addictions, family, caregivers, Indigenous and/or Francophone representatives, 2SLGBTQ+ and/or others.

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