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We engage the Francophone community on a regular basis and include their experiences with the goal of removing linguistic barriers to care and building an accessible health and wellness system for all. Access to health services in French is a right that is recognized in the FLA OHT.

We respect and honour the City of Kingston’s French Language designation and offer bi-lingual services where we can as we work towards the active offer of French language services in all our Health Homes.


  • Réseau des services de santé en français de l’Est de l’Ontario (RSSFEO) is an actively engaged partner.
  • We have a strong partnership with Francophone community members through the Comité des Citoyens and consult regularly with members to hear from them directly.

Francophone Translation Strategy 

As of January 2024, Ontario Health Teams are not covered by the French Language Service Act, and as such, they are not obligated to adhere to the provisions of the act. Consequently, there is no legal requirement for French translation. Nevertheless, at the FLA OHT, we are dedicated to making our best efforts, with a commitment to eventual bilingualism in health-care practices.

We are making best efforts to translate a significant portion of the FLA OHT public content. When deciding which content to translate, considerations such as the type of content, the target audience, and available resources are crucial for optimizing the impact of translation efforts.

View our translation strategy in English to learn more

Consultez notre stratégie de traduction en anglais pour en savoir plus.


We have identified a list of commonly used words related to the FLA OHT and their preferred French translations. This document will guide our translation efforts and will evolve as new terminology is added to ease consistent and quality translation materials into French. View the lexicon.

Winning Strategies 

The project Winning strategies for serving Francophone clients aims to bring together OHT members around a set of actions to promote the active offer of services in French.

The project includes six effective and simple actions to implement by health service providers. It is also an opportunity to advance your Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Plan and your Quality Improvement Plan. 

Learn more about Winning Strategies.


Our FLA OHT 5 year plan is focused on delivering culturally and linguistically appropriate, accessible, trauma-informed care for everyone in our FLA OHT.