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Finding hope through the ‘Inner Lives’ photography project

Finding hope through the ‘Inner Lives’ photography project

Ryan Fitzgibbon was told his life may look different post-cancer. But Ryan didn’t let that affect his love and passion for photography. Through a coordinated care approach, Ryan was able to rebuild his strength and confidence and pick up a camera again.

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FLA OHT team members and Deputy Minister Sylvia Jones

Congratulations - FLA OHT chosen for acceleration to maturity!

Learn about some exciting news for our Ontario Health Team. The Honourable Sylvia Jones, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health, and members from Ontario Health provided an important update on the next steps to accelerate OHT progress.

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A Health Home for infants who do not have a primary care provider

A Health Home for infants who do not have a primary care provider

A new clinic supported by FLA OHT partners, Queen’s University School of Nursing, Kingston Community Health Centres and Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington Public Health opened a new well-baby health care to infants who do not have a primary care provider.

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IIPCT logo in turtle shape with stethoscope and heart beat

In conversation with the Indigenous Interprofessional Primary Care Team

The Indigenous Interprofessional Primary Care Team (IIPCT) houses a unique format that combines both traditional and westernized modalities to increase and balance the overall wellness of Indigenous People within our catchment area. The IIPCT was a result of one of the many action items from the Truth and Reconciliation Act to provide non-stigmatizing and culturally safe care to Indigenous People.
A sharing circle hosted by Knowledge Keeper Helena Neveu at One Roof. Indigenous Programming at One Roof occurs every Thursday 5-7pm.

Access to primary care at the KFL&A Youth Wellness Hub

Interested in what a health home aimed at youth looks like in practice? Look no further than Kingston’s One Roof Youth Wellness Hub to see the immediate and positive impact of this model of care.
Celebrating the power of communities: Message from Executive Lead, Dr. Kim Morrison

Celebrating the power of communities: Message from Executive Lead, Dr. Kim Morrison

It is well understood that people, together with their families, friends, neighbours and caregivers, provide the vast majority of care that keeps them well and healthy in their homes.
How Frontenac Paramedics’ Community Paramedicine program helps vulnerable residents stay well at home

How Frontenac Paramedics’ Community Paramedicine program helps vulnerable residents stay well at home

The Frontenac Paramedics’ Community Paramedicine program embodies the FLA OHT People-Centered Health Home concept: It’s one way to support people to stay well by receiving care in the comfort of their homes. 
Neighbours helping neighbours age well at home

Neighbours helping neighbours age well at home

Dr. Catherine Donnelly is a health services researcher, focused on team-based primary care with an emphasis on understanding how interprofessional primary care teams can support older adults and individuals with chronic conditions to live well in their neighbourhoods and communities.
Running Down the Path Forward for Ontario Health Teams

Running Down the Path Forward for Ontario Health Teams

As short a month as February may be, the FLA OHT has many projects and initiatives moving full steam ahead. February celebrates many things including Black History Month, Valentine’s Day, Family Day, and Canadian Heart Month where attention is brought to the importance of cardiovascular health and steps that can be taken to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease. 
Caring for children with respiratory symptoms this winter season

Caring for children with respiratory symptoms this winter season

These are some examples of when to seek care. If you are not sure what to do, Health Connect Ontario has a symptom checker and the option to chat live with a nurse. You can also call 811 to speak with a nurse, available 24 hours a day.
Local program activates the community: Oasis

Local program activates the community: Oasis

Most weeks you can find 83-year-old Pearl Larsen teaching an exercise class for her peers in the community room of her Homestead Land Holdings owned apartment building in the Bowling Green Complex in Kingston.
Provider looking at online information with two community members

Our first 18 months of success!

It’s been an exhilarating ride as the FLA OHT has evolved over our first 18 months. Our rocket ship has a solid structure and is hurdling towards our North Star of the People-Centered Health Home.