
Local program activates the community: Oasis

Local program activates the community: Oasis

Most weeks you can find 83-year-old Pearl Larsen teaching an exercise class for her peers in the community room of her Homestead Land Holdings owned apartment building in the Bowling Green Complex in Kingston.
Provider looking at online information with two community members

Our first 18 months of success!

It’s been an exhilarating ride as the FLA OHT has evolved over our first 18 months. Our rocket ship has a solid structure and is hurdling towards our North Star of the People-Centered Health Home. 
Easing emergency department congestion: can communication help? KHSC teams up on campaign aimed at helping people make the best health-care choices.

Easing emergency department congestion: can communication help? KHSC teams up on campaign aimed at helping people make the best health-care choices.

In chaotic health-care environments, requests for communication support often happen when a problem needs to be communicated to the public – ‘We need a sign to let people know wait times are long.’