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A New Primary Care Clinic in Kingston

This new Health Home, which opened July 24, 2024, provides comprehensive, primary care for the surrounding neighbourhoods, including health education, social programs, and community social service supports. The broader community can also access services such as cancer screenings, prenatal care, well-baby care, and sexual health services. 

The goal is to increase access to team-based primary care close to home for more than 8,000 people, starting with those without a primary care provider (family doctor or nurse practitioner). 

This clinic is possible through the collaboration of Kingston Community Health Centres (KCHC), the Frontenac, Lennox and Addington Ontario Health Team (FLA OHT) and community partners, with funding from Ontario Health.

THE TEAM (currently):

  • Nurse Practitioners
  • Physicians
  • Medical Secretaries
  • Registered Practical Nurses.

In the future, the 30-person team will include regulated health professionals, such as a Certified Diabetes Educator, Registered Nurse, and Social Work/Mental Health Counselors.


  • 791 Princess Street, Suite 201 Kingston, Ontario K7L 1E9 
  • (temporary, while the permanent location is being renovated)


  • Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
  • Closed for lunch 12 - 1 pm


For now, people without a primary care provider can access team-based care, which includes acute and episodic medical care, sexual health care, prenatal and well-baby care.

To book an appointment at Midtown: 

As more team members are hired, Midtown Kingston Health Home will start to attach people to the Health Home through Health Care Connect according to their place of residence, starting with neighbourhoods closest to the clinic.

Those without a primary care provider are encouraged to register with Health Care Connect by calling 1-800-445-1822 or by registering online.