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Accepting new people for care close to home!

The FLA OHT and its partners continue to help attach people who do not have a primary care provider (family doctor or nurse practitioner) to a care team close to home.

Greenwood Medical Centre is currently attaching people living in their Catchment area. 

Please visit the Greenwood website to see the Rapid Enrolment process:

The process involves:

  1. Read their clinic policies
  2. Complete their roster form and email it to the clinic
  3. Complete their Patient Intake form
  4. Contact Health Care Connect at 1-800-445-1822 to remove your name if you are registered
  5. Wait for the clinic to contact you

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a People-Centred Health Home and why are clinics like Greenwood Medical Centre rostering new patients within a specific geographic boundary?
Greenwood Medical Centre is expanding to become one of the first People-Centred  Health Homes in the FLA OHT region. Health Homes are a new model of delivering team-based primary care in which people can access care close to where they live. The model is being adopted by FLA OHT partners like Greenwood Medical Centre to provide convenient, accessible care within geographic boundaries, ensuring that health care is integrated into the community it serves.

As this new model expands throughout the FLA OHT region, Health Homes will be the front door to the health-care system, including a team of health-care professionals dedicated to supporting peoples’ best health and wellness.
As capacity allows, new people will be attached to Health Homes based on the neighbourhood geographic boundaries that each Health Home serves. Existing patients who are already attached to a primary care practice will remain with that practice as it develops into a People-Centred Health Home.

Why am I being asked to attend a rostering event and register on Health Care Connect?

Greenwood Medical Centre began the process of implementing the People-Centred Health Home model and attaching new people from Kingston’s east end in April 2024, using two parallel intake processes: by rostering individuals registered on Health Care Connect and, to increase the number of people who could be rostered at one time, by holding a rostering event. Through this process to date, Greenwood Medical Centre has successfully attached approximately 900 new people living within Kingston’s east end who did not previously have a primary care provider. By holding periodic rostering events, while also rostering individuals registered on Health Care Connect as that system makes their names available, primary care clinics like Greenwood can attach more people more quickly. As capacity allows, other Health Homes in the FLA OHT region will also hold similar rostering events to attach people more quickly.

Why did the patients of one physician at Greenwood Medical Centre receive notice they would be de-rostered from that physician’s practice at the same time as new patients were being rostered to other physicians at Greenwood?
Clinics like Greenwood Medical Centre provide the space and resources for physicians to care for their patients, but they are not involved in the opening, management, or closure of individual physician practices. Unfortunately, one of the physicians at Greenwood Medical Centre made the difficult decision to leave their practice. While this departure is unrelated to the clinic's expansion plans, it has understandably led to the misconception that some people are being de-rostered to make room for others. That is not the case. Any questions regarding the physician's departure should be addressed to the departing physician directly.

What’s next?
By working in geographical boundaries to provide care close to home, in team-based models that will attract new providers to this region, we are optimistic that every part of the counties of Frontenac, Lennox and Addington will have a People-Centred Health Home that cares for all individuals within the boundaries that it serves. In the past year, over 6,000 individuals have been successfully attached to People-Centred Health Homes in our region. Stay tuned for more information about upcoming rostering events at other People-Centred Health Homes across our region.

Should I still register with Health Care Connect?
Yes, we encourage everyone without a primary care provider to register with Health Care Connect. This helps ensure that our region has accurate data on the number of people who don’t have a family doctor. This data is crucial for us to advocate for more resources and capacity to meet the needs of our community. For more information about Health Care Connect, call 811 or 1-800-445-1822.