Stroke Network of Southeastern Ontario
The Stroke Network of Southeastern Ontario is one of 11 regional networks across the province providing stroke resources for community members and health care providers.
- Their Vision is "Fewer strokes. Better outcomes".
- Their Mission is "to continuously improve stroke prevention, care, recovery, and reintegration".
Visit their website for:
MANY community supports: https://www.strokenetworkseo.ca/community-supports
- Patient journey map for stroke survivors
- Southeastern Ontario stroke support groups, organized by the VON
- Self-assessment tool
- Community resource guides
- And many more!
GREAT patient education resources: https://www.strokenetworkseo.ca/best-practice-education/patient-education These include:
- Recognizing signs of stroke
- Prevention of Stroke
- Recovery after stroke
- Return to life activities
- And many more!