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Prenatal Screening Ontario (PSO) coordinates the operation of prenatal screening services in the province. PSO is funded by the Government of Ontario and supports a cohesive and high-quality screening system, while also providing information for individuals and resources for practitioners.

Current Testing
Currently prenatal screening is offered to every pregnant individual in Ontario for:

  • Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)
  • Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome)

PSO plans to expand prenatal screening options in 2025 - stay tuned!

How to Order
Practitioners can use the requisitions on this webpage to order Multiple Marker Screening and Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing;

Prenatal Screening Ontario is housed within the province’s maternal, newborn and child registry, the Better Outcomes Registry and Network (BORN) Ontario. BORN Ontario is a prescribed registry established in Ontario for the purpose of facilitating and/or improving the provision of health care in our province, with a vision for the best possible beginnings for lifelong health.

Prenatal Screening Ontario logoBORN Ontario logo


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