Stroke Network of Southeastern Ontario
The Stroke Network of Southeastern Ontario is one of 11 regional networks established across the province to advance stroke prevention and care. They offer many professional resources to improve access to evidence-based education, guidance and tools.
Prenatal Screening Ontario
Prenatal Screening Ontario (PSO), funded by the Government of Ontario, coordinates the operation of prenatal screening services in the province. Along with information for individuals, PSO offers screening requisitions, education opportunities and other resources for practitioners.
AccessMHA: mental health, substance use health & addictions services
AccessMHA provides a single point of referral for mental health, substance use health, and addictions services. It is available to individuals aged 16 or older at no cost.
KHSC integrated care pathways for chronic disease management
Integrated care pathways that are being developed by Kingston Health Sciences Centre teams will provide evidence-based, best-practice guidelines for each step of the patient journey.
Winning Strategies for Serving Francophone Clients
The project Winning strategies for serving Francophone clients aims to bring together OHT members around a set of actions to promote the active offer of services in French.
Indigenous indicators for health systems
Queen's University and FLA OHT produced a Toolkit of Indigenous-focused approaches and evaluation indicators for health systems.
Canadian Frailty Network
The CFN has a free web-based program called The AVOID Frailty Program for Healthy Aging. The program is for KFL&A adults aged 60+, not living in long term care.
Living Well South East
Living Well South East is a provincial self-management program with a variety of workshops and wellbeing programs for the general public and for health care professionals.