Urgent Care
Urgent Care Centre (Kingston Health Sciences Centre)
When a same-day appointment isn’t available with your family doctor or a walk-in clinic and your health concern needs to be addressed within 24 hours, the Urgent Care Centre is where to go for non-life-threatening illness or injury.
- Regular hours: Monday – Sunday 8 AM – 8 PM
- Patient registration may close earlier than 8 PM during the week and PM on weekends.
- Located at Hotel Dieu Hospital site of KHSC, 144 Brock St., Kingston
- Visit their website or CALL 613-546-1240 to hear if the centre closed early, due to high patient volumes or staffing available
- If your concern is NOT urgent, please explore other health-care options at RightPlaceRightCare.ca
Children's Outpatient Centre (Kingston Health Sciences Centre)
For patients up until their 18th birthday who require care and can’t wait for an appointment with their family doctors.
If your child requires immediate care for a serious illness, major trauma or other medical emergency, please take them to the Emergency Department at Kingston General Hospital.
- Regular hours: Monday – Friday 9 AM – 4 PM
- NOTE: The clinic opens at 9 AM, and closes when the maximum number of patients are registered, or at the regular closing time of 4 PM, whichever comes first.
- Located at Hotel Dieu Hospital site of KHSC, 166 Brock St., Kingston (enter through main entrance)
- Visit their website or call 613-548-2342 for more information