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The Place of Good Medicine

The mandate of the Indigenous Interprofessional Primary Care Team (IIPCT) is to promote wholistic health, prevent ill health, treat illness and support our Indigenous communities and their families on their journeys through these realities.

They do this by providing services that equally draw from both Indigenous and  mainstream ways of knowing and being, all done in active cooperation with our partners.

The Indigenous Interprofessional Primary Care Team offers many services:

  • Cultural Services, including traditional healing and medicines, cultural learning and spiritual support
  • Primary Medical Care, from a team of two family physicians, a nurse practitioner, register nurse and a registered practical nurse
  • Mental Health and Addictions, with support for adults and pre/post natal needs
  • Health Support Services, includes care coordination across all systems and client experiences



Their priority population includes all people who identify as Indigenous as well as their families, in our regions listed below. 

  • Rural Frontenac/Lennox and Addington
  • Rural Hastings
  • Quinte 
  • Kingston
  • Leeds, Lanark and Grenville

The IIPCT offers a special focus on people at risk for and living with chronic diseases as well as people living with mental health conditions and or/addictions. All our services are status blind. 


    LOCATIONS in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, ON:

    • Primary Care: 45 Meadow Drive
    • Community Development: 1145 York Road
    • Mental Health & Administration: 14 York RoadIIPCT logo


    • Monday to Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm 
    • Summer hours (starting July 1st):
      • Monday-Thursday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm 
      • Friday 8:30 am - 1:30 pm


    • By phone at 343-478-0196
    • By email at 


    Visit the IIPCT website for more information on their services.