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April 19, 2022 News Release

The Frontenac, Lennox and Addington Ontario Health Team (FLA OHT) is made up of over 300 health-care providers and organizations working together to create a better health-care system to improve health outcomes and provide better health-care experiences. To set priorities and actions for the next several years, the FLA OHT is seeking public input to ensure the future health-care system delivers what residents need and want.

“We need to understand the challenges and successes that people experience in their health-care journeys to be able to co-design a more efficient, integrated and equitable health-care system that meets their needs,” says Dr. Kim Morrison, FLA OHT Executive Lead. “We have an incredible partnership of health-care providers, community members, patients, caregivers and their families working together to improve quality and access to care and now we need to hear from the broader public that we serve.”

To continue to understand what matters most to people about their health care and to address mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and social health and wellness needs, the FLA OHT is soliciting resident feedback to help shape the future health-care system. Residents are encouraged to participate in the following ways:

  • Complete a 5 to10-minute online survey on the FLA OHT website at www.flaoht.caavailable until May 31, 2022. Or, connect with the FLA OHT team to complete the survey by phone or email by emailing
  • Attend an online discussion group. Register on the FLA OHT website for one of the following dates:
    • Thursday, April 21 @ 1pm – 2pm
    • Wednesday, May 4 @ 6pm – 7pm
    • Monday, May 9 @ 10am – 11am
    • Wednesday, May 18 @6pm – 7pm
  • Subscribe to the FLA OHT newsletter  on the website
  • Visit the FLA OHT website at www.flaoht.cafor more information

Since the FLA OHT was created in the fall of 2020, significant progress has been made, including:

  • Bringing together more than 300 health-care and social service partners;
  • Forming a leadership team and working groups to manage four priority projects, including Integrated Addictions and Mental Health, Aging-Well-at-Home, Coordinated Discharge and Palliative Care;
  • Endorsing the FLA OHT vision of providing a People-Centred Health Home for all Frontenac, Lennox and Addington residents;
  • Supporting COVID-19 response through vaccination clinics and assessment centres;
  • Securing funding from the Ministry of Health for innovative digital health care and primary care projects;
  • Piloting ten digital projects to help support virtual health care. 

The FLA OHT is one of 51 Ontario Health Teams working on a new model of health-care delivery that puts patients, families and caregivers at the centre of the health-care system.