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Since its formation in 2021, the FLA OHT has already seen great progress

Since its formation in 2021, the FLA OHT has already seen great progress

Since its formation in 2021, the FLA OHT has already seen great progress.
Plan and understand (November 2021)

Plan and understand (November 2021)

Community research to understand the people in the communities we serve
Shape the process (December 2021)

Shape the process (December 2021)

Work with Community Council to  co-design the engagement approach; Leadership review  

Discovery and exploration (Jan-Apr 2022)

Discovery and exploration (Jan-Apr 2022)

Empower, listen and learn from partners about the strengths, opportunities and challenges of the regional health-care system

Public engagement (May –July 2022)

Public engagement (May –July 2022)

Consult, gather insights and ideas from community members to help transform the health-care system
Create the plan (Aug-Dec 2022)

Create the plan (Aug-Dec 2022)

Harvest insights, finalize strategy 

Implement and evaluate (2023-2028)

Implement and evaluate (2023-2028)

Set annual action plans, Review progress against performance targets, Continue work with community members to co-design our health-care system