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Since its formation in 2021, the FLA OHT has already seen great progress that includes:

  • Bringing together more than 300 health care and social service partners;
  • Forming a leadership team and working groups to manage priority projects, including Integrated Addictions and Mental Health, Aging-Well-at-Home, Coordinated Discharge, Palliative Care and Access to Primary Care;
  • Improving coordination of care for people to age healthy and well at home by developing a new role to help seniors get the right access to community support, and developing clear pathways to community support services;
  • Creating a hospital discharge form for the three hospitals in the region to share allowing for easier understanding of an individual’s medical history;
  • Initiating palliative care partnerships that will support Indigenous and under-serviced and vulnerable community members to get the palliative care they need. Also connected 28 people who did not have a family doctor to a doctor to provide palliative care;
  • Connecting 138 pregnant women who did not have a primary care provider to a provider;
  • Developing a project to bring together primary care providers and mental health and addictions workers to help with referrals and care of clients;
  • Working collaboratively, Primary Care Providers and specialists have co-led the development of 11 pathways to reduce wait lists for common, non-urgent conditions for which long wait times exist;
  • Launching a bilingual website with enhanced user experience with accessibility options allowing people to quickly access information.