A Health Home for infants who do not have a primary care provider
A new clinic supported by FLA OHT partners, Queen’s University School of Nursing, Kingston Community Health Centres and Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington Public Health opened a new well-baby health care to infants who do not have a primary care provider.
“It is estimated that 20 babies a month are born in the Kingston area who are not attached to a primary care provider,” says Dr. Roger Pilon, Associate Professor, School of Nursing and licensed Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner (PHC-NP) who is helping lead this initiative. “Newborns and young children are extremely vulnerable and ongoing health care is essential for good health outcomes.”
The focus of the clinic is to provide wellness care, monitor growth and development, conduct milestone screening, deliver immunizations critical to early childhood health and refer to a pediatrician or other specialist if a baby needs specialized care.
Since the Well Baby Care Clinic opened April 27th, 37 babies have been seen, ranging in age from one week to 12 months. Reasons people are booking appointments are ongoing monitoring of their growth and development, nutrition advice and immunizations. The clinic is addressing a large gap in our community for essential care of infants and young children that do not have a family doctor or nurse practitioner. The clinic is also important to the health-care system potentially reducing visits to the Children's Outpatient Clinic at Hotel Dieu Hospital and to Emergency Departments.
“Parents and guardians seem relieved they have access to this clinic for well baby check. They can ask non-urgent questions and ensure their baby is meeting milestones,” says Pilon. ““We know there is a critical need in our community we can fill, while also offering an important learning environment. For 6.5 million Canadians without a family doctor, primary care nurse practitioners and registered nurses are playing a key role in ensuring the health of Canadians through team-driven clinical care.”
The clinic also provides inter-professional educational experiences for undergraduate nursing, nurse practitioner and medical students, and post-graduate medical trainees in family medicine and pediatrics.
To book a visit
Location: KFL&A Public Health, 221 Portsmouth Ave. Kingston
Open: Two half days per week

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OR visit the link HERE to book an appointment
For cancellations or to reschedule call 613-484-7732