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August 14, 2024. News Release 

Greenwood Medical Centre (East End Health Home) is set to attach approximately 1000 residents of Kingston’s East End who do not currently have a primary care provider (family doctor or nurse practitioner). This initiative will start by attaching 600 people this Saturday, August 17.

We recognize the challenges that people face in accessing consistent, high-quality health care and are excited to welcome 1000 more people to our centre," says Dr. Justyna Nowak, a physician at Greenwood Medical Centre, Kingston’s East End Health Home. "Our dedicated team of health-care professionals is committed to ensuring that everyone receives the care they need close to where they live."

Rostering event set to attach 600 people on Saturday, August 17, 2024

On Saturday, August 17 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., Greenwood Medical Centre will host an event at 804 John Marks Avenue to attach people to their East End Health Home. Residents within the Health Home’s geographic boundary who are currently without a family physician are encouraged to attend. Proof of address on a government-issued ID is required. Non-government ID, such as library cards, will not be accepted. The boundaries of this regional attachment drive are Middle Road on the north (both sides), Abbey Dawn Road on the east (both sides), the St. Lawrence River on the south, and the Cataraqui River on the west.

For family members living in the same household, each person over the age of 16 must attend the event on Saturday. Individuals who have registered with Health Care Connect can attend the rostering event. For those registered on Health Care Connect and who cannot attend, the Health Home will be working with Ontario Health to attach more people over the coming months. Those who are unable to attend due to accessibility issues are encouraged to register with Health Care Connect.

This initiative marks the beginning of a broader, long-term effort to ensure that every resident in Kingston’s east end has access to primary care. As capacity increases, Greenwood Medical Centre plans to expand access to more unattached residents in the area.

This expansion builds on the 500 people already attached to the Health Home earlier this year through Health Care Connect, thanks to support from the City of Kingston through the Primary Care Clinic Expansion Grant, as well as planning support from the Frontenac Lennox and Addington Ontario Health Team (FLA OHT) to expand their practice.

Greenwood Medical Centre is part of the FLA OHT’s mission to connect people without a primary care provider to a People-Centred Health Home, a home base for easy access to all the health care and wellness services needed to achieve our best health. By focusing on rostering people within specific geographic areas, one region at a time as provider capacity allows, the FLA OHT aims to make team-based primary care accessible to everyone, much like children have access to a local school in their community.

Residents without a primary care provider are encouraged to register with Health Care Connect by phone at 1-800-445-1822 or online. A step-by-step guidance on how to register and answers common questions about the process is on our Find a doctor page. 

Greenwood Medical Clinic (East End Health Home) Geographic Boundaries

East End Health Home geographical boundaries