Digital Supports to Advance Healthcare
Lumeo - Connecting people and health-care teams
February 14, 2025. Just over two months ago Lumeo, a health information system, went live, instantly connecting people and health-care teams across the region.
Rewriting the script: the impact of AI scribes on health care
February 11, 2025. Digital health innovations are reshaping the way health care is delivered in our communities. Tools like AI scribes are transforming provider workflows and interactions with community members.
Digital Support Structure - Recent Achievements
March 5, 2024. The Digital Support Structure is a group working to increase the use of digital tools in the Frontenac, Lennox and Addington region’s health-care sector, with a goal to simplify systems and processes for both providers and people, and to improve quality of care.
FLA OHT Digital Strategy
The FLA OHT is committed to improving the digital health capabilities across the FLA region, which will directly improve patient-centered care, better connect frontline health-care providers, and support a system self-management.
Innovative digital health initiatives for a better health-care system
March 22, 2022. Digital health care is a rapidly growing field and ties into almost every aspect of the health-care system. Implementing cohesive and thoroughly tested digital health care solutions is necessary for creating a system that works well for all.