Virtual Primary Care
If you have a primary care provider, please check with them / your clinic to see if they are open.
If you do NOT have a primary care provider, or your primary care clinic is not open over the holidays, please see options below or refer to the information on walk-in and access clinics for care over the holidays.
Connect over phone call, text and video call. Hours vary. Fees may apply.
- Connect with a registered nurse for free, secure, confidential high-quality care and avoid unnecessary visits to the emergency room
- Available 24/7
- Visit Health811 website for more information or call 811 (TTY 1-866-797-0007)
East Region Virtual Care Clinic
- Provides virtual care appointments for patients across Ontario Health’s East Region.
- The clinic primarily serves patients with or without a health card who do not have a family doctor or who have a health issue requiring immediate medical attention, without being life-threatening.
- Regular hours: Open Monday – Friday 1 – 9 PM
- Consultations with nurse practitioners by phone or video conference, in French or English
- Visit East Region Virtual Care Clinic website or call 1-888-684-1990 for more information
Good Doctors
- Book a video visit here
- Visit the Good Doctors website for more information
Tia Health
- Free in Ontario with with a valid OHIP card
- Visit https://tiahealth.com to book an online appointment
TELUS Health MyCare
- Download the TELUS Health MyCare app and register for a free account
- Visit https://www.telus.com/en/health/my-care/doctors for more information
Rocket Doctor
- Visit https://rocketdoctor.ca/ontario-appointment to book a live text chat or live video call appointment